How to subscribe to service alerts

How to subscribe to service alerts

Facilities & Services issues alerts for service interruptions on campus—this includes critical maintenance, repair, or construction work causing access restrictions, excessive noise, or utility interruptions.

By subscribing to F&S service alerts you will receive emails notifying you of service interruptions on campus. You can choose to receive service alerts for select buildings or for all buildings on campus. 

Subscribe to receive service alerts

  1. Visit the service alert web page. 
  2. Scroll down to the form called subscribe to receive service alerts. 
  3. Fill in the required fields: 
    1. Your first and last name 
    2. Your @utoronto email address 
    3. Your job title 
  4. Choose the building(s) for which you would like to receive service alerts.
  5. If you would like to receive service alerts for all buildings on campus, choose all.
  6. Select Sign Up.

Manage your service alert subscription 

Unsubscribe from service alerts for a particular building: 

  1. Open the service alert email you received about the building from which you would like to unsubscribe. 
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the email and select unsubscribe from this list. 
  3. Optional: Provide feedback on why you unsubscribed.  
  4. Select Submit. 

Update your subscription preferences (such as changing your name or email address): 

  1. Open a service alert email you received. 
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the email and select update subscription preferences 
  3. Select Email Me A Link. 
  4. You should receive an email shortly from F&S Service Alerts. Select update your preferences. 
  5. Fill in the required fields: 
    1. Your new name 
    2. Your updated @utoronto email address 
  6. Select Update Profile. 

Contact us

If you have additional questions about managing your service alert subscription, please email